Yes if she’s not eating she’s not often happy to sit in it. I just try to prepare food so it’s ready to go as soon as I put her in it 😅
Yes i put it down to being annoyed that he isn't getting his food immediately.
I always give a little something as soon as I put her in the chair and especially if she has to watch me prep. A crust off the bread or a melty stick thing is quick and easy.
@Catherine I do the same! Xx
Thanks all, the melty stick option works for a while but soon wears off. I’ve noticed they do a cushion insert for the high chair we have so I’m going to order and give that a try!
Yes mine does this, but I have had success by giving him a few puffs or baby teether wafers to munch on while I am preparing food. It’s like his little appetizer and it calms him down!