Hi there, I’m a children’s speech therapist. Please don’t worry they still have time to babble. If they don’t babble by 9 months properly then I’d recommend seeing your HV. https://cypf.berkshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/health-and-development/your-baby-and-you/babbling-and-baby-talk/
It sounds like your baby just learned a new kind of sound and is preoccupied with that at the moment. Just wait till you get to the stage where they switch to only squealing and making pterodactyl sounds for a while lol
My boy is a May baby, 9 months next week and he went through phases of having days of babbling nonsense then weeks of being quiet… now he’s 8.5 nearly 9 months he says mama dada baba and up lol, no stopping him now x
What do we class as babbling? ~ Mine is 7.5 months and doesn't babble in terms of "Mamama/Dadada/Bababa (consonant) sounds. He makes vowel sounds occasionally like "Ah" "Oh" etc. But mostly just squeals and he won't mimic me when I make sounds. He doesn't blow raspberries either. I've been worried, but I just presumed he's been focusing more on other skills as he's just learning to crawl. I'm hoping it'll start soon and ease my mind a bit🤞🏻
They stop other things they used to do when learning new things :)
Mine used to babble constantly until around 4.5 months, then stopped for a month (I think while he was learning to sit up) and now it’s all chatty again. Apparently it’s normal for them to stop showing a skill while they’re learning a new one! Don’t let that MIL get in your head 😅
Mine went through a quiet phase where he barely babbled after having babbled lots. Don’t worry, now he babbles all the time again (but no talking) 😅 I think it’s normal for babies to shift focus as they develop new skills.
We have recently started back up with the babbling and my god she has a lot to say for herself. Guess that’s what you get for going silent for about 5 weeks 🤣
My little one is 13 months but just to say its very normal for them to ‘regress’ on a skill when working on others, I bet he is learning lots of new things like sitting stronger on his own, rolling both ways, maybe starting to shuffle around etc and even the raspberries! They process so so much