Potty training a boy

So he will go if I put him on the toilet only what is the step by step of the 3 day method I’m really hoping he will get it he is 21 months old
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He's not even two so this feels quite early. What signs has he shown that make you think he's ready for potty training? With my eldest he was almost three before we started and he got it within a week.

@Caroline He plays with the potty all the time he loves sitting on the potty when he is in his clothes he always wants to be in the bath room he pees on the potty if I place him on it he goes fine no force and he take the cup part that he pees in and hands it to me so we can say bye bye to the pee and then we dump it in the big toilet and he loves trying to make his stuffed toys pretend potty and he hates being in a wet diaper

@Nevaeh just because he sits on it in his clothes, it doesn't mean he is ready. He is too young.

@Rachel he also pees in the toilet if I sit him on the toilet we sit in the bathroom and read books and he will go pee

@Nevaeh usually when you potty train them before the age of 2, they will have a regression, because they are not ready for it before they turn 2. Give it a go though if you think he is ready.

It’s not early to start training him lol. I started training my son around a year in a half (18 months) it’s better sooner than later.

I don't think it's too early. My little one is 2 this month and we started last week. She let's us know when she needs a diaper change. She will ask to be on the toilet. So we started putting her on the toilet first thing in the morning and then every 1.5-2 hrs. We ask "do you need to potty?" And sometimes she says not right now mommy and then I'll say let's go check sometimes we don't realize until we're on the toilet and then we go and see what happens. There's not force. Keep at it. If he has a regression then okay you start over but if he doesn't then awesome you're done with diapers early!

My little boy was the same age. He would go when I put him on it for a few weeks then we took his nappies off and had him bottomless. Once he tried to pee on the floor and I grabbed him onto potty to catch it and from there he didn’t have any accidents. I put him on it every 2hours or so for a few days and stayed home 2 days. Now he’s 25monyhs and tells me when he needs to go and can sometimes go himself sometimes needs help pulling pants on and off

@Aoife you're supposed to wait until they can pull pants on & off themselves, really. They shouldn't need help doing things like that to be toilet trained.

Thanks Rachel. There’s lots of things that work for some families and not others! For me helping pull pants up and down is much easier than changing nappies while heavily pregnant and with a newborn, he also prefers it and dislikes going in his nappy-even waking early in morning and asking for his nappy off to go in the toilet. I realise some might not count this as “toilet trained” but it’s a huge step in the right direction with toilet understanding and works really well in our house!

You know your baby best, if you think he’s ready, Go for it! Don’t listen to people on the internet, especially if he’s showing signs hes ready. Some ppl begin potty training at birth.. there is no “ right” time. good luck!

Too early, I wouldn’t bother going through the stress of it and causing confusion.

Honestly i used to stand over the toilet with a water bottle to show my son. He had his own toilet. Every 15 mins id sit him down or stand him over the toilet to let him try to go. Plan for a day you won’t be leaving the house to let him be in just undies and be prepared for accidents

Not too early. We started at 22 months and he was trained by the time he turned 2. If you think he’s ready, go for it!

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