It is so hard. I’m going back to work in 3 weeks so I completely understand. I’m so anxious about it and don’t know how she will be. I know it’s useless to say it now but it will get easier and u will both get use to it. I felt the same when I went back with my son and he was only 5 months old. It does just take time. Are ur work being supportive?
It's my first day back today and I've been in since 6.30am so my work day is nearly over. Honestly it's flown! My mum has been sending me updates and pictures through the day which has helped. Tbh I've been so busy getting my systems running and catching up with everyone that the anxiety I thought I'd feel hasn't come xx
Well done for getting through ur first day. X
It's completely normal what you are feeling and she is getting use to thos different environment and most children cry when they are first left at nursery it's just them adapting and getting use to there new environment and it will get better