I’m trying not to test everyday because I overthinking things and having pcos gives me anxiety when it’s come to getting a positive test
Sincerely,just do it if it will make you feel better ,I have tested 3-4 times a day since I found out .I have a lot of the strips at home
Yes I have a lot of strips and different brands of test but I told myself lol that I wasn’t going to be testing every day so I’m going try again tomorrow morning but I think that I’m still early so I know I’m not going to get a clear positive results but I’m grateful to see a positive
That's great.congratulations
I have PCOS and I am in treatments for fertility so I know when I ovulate, all that said I tested early and got a faint line I didn't even notice until I took another test after missing my period (made regular with medication). I think it's positive but I understand the anxiety. If you want to chat message me.
Unfortunately I had a chemical pregnancy and so hurt
Oh no,I'm so sorry .
I'm so sorry.
This was mine when I first tested couple days ago.I also have pcos and have no idea when I ovulated ,even though I tested everyday,so I was really shocked when I got a positive