
How are your 2.5 year olds with colors? My son just straight out rejects this concept. I have tried so many times but he shuts down when we talk about colors. The daycare says he kind of does the same. Am I crazy to think he might be color blind? He talks quite a bit and doing well in other areas. Some counting, singing along, asking for help. We haven't potty trained yet, I don't think he's ready and we are actually moving soon so I wanted to until after transition. I dunno, am I over thinking it? Other 2 year old in our lives are naming all colors
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He might just not be interested? You could try making colors with him to try getting that conversation going? Like if you try to make playdoh at home you can ask what colors he wants and what colors can be made with those colors etc.

Also. I'm not sure if you do TV time but there's a Color Song on YouTube that my son absolutely loves. "The color song"-bryant Oden

Are there colors you notice he gravitates towards? Even if he doesn't name them. Like before my son could name colors, I knew his favorite colors were red and yellow because he would always pick those items over others.

He is knows most of his colors

@Codi I will definitely try the color song thank you!

Ofcourse! Goodluck!

@Carson he only seems to identify blue. He repeats what I say but won't initial colors, ever. But blue has been pretty straight forward for him.

My son knows all the colors for a while now, since around 18 months maybe! But lately he's added "indigo" and "violet" into his vocabulary thanks to Miss Rachel (and Elmo) 😅

You could make a game out of it to see what he really knows, or even to learn them. You could do it with candy for reinforcement ( can you give me the red m&m?) He may learn his color real fast 😂 Otherwise bring it up to his doctor at his next well check. He very well could be color blind! I think they can test for that?

My daughter can only reliably recognize one color and I just looked it up and toddlers don’t reliably know colors until 3-4 so we are good

We're in the same boat. He calls everything red. 🤷🏼‍♀️ He just now started saying orange correctly but everything else is hit or miss. I was totally jumping to being color blind too, but apparently there are a lot of kids right where ours are. I think we need to give it more time. 🤗

My son knows colors and even different shades. He’ll say light blue or dark blue. But everyone is different, he struggles in other areas

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