A food therapist could help, but you can also look into speech therapy, as they often cross over. Many food aversions are genetic and simply come down to taste. Some kids outgrow them, some don't, but you have very little control over it, so nothing you have done or not done would have changed it. Speak to your doctor and ask for referrals. Be insistent. If nothing else, you can rule out the possibility of a physiological issue. One day he may just simply get over it, that's also a possibility. Just keep consistently offering him a variety of foods, and don't force it. Trying to force, bargain, or negotiate can reinforce a negative relationship with food. Let him feel safe in trying new things on his own time.
Tbh I have no real advice I could give you but I wonder if u could trick him like when u go to give him a bottle or paci quickly out a small bite of pures in his mouth to see if he reacts badly or try putting watered down pures in his bottle. I use to do that for my little one if the puree was to watered down, also don’t feel like a failure every baby is different! Your doing amazing
The only thing I might try suggesting is try cutting the tip of one of the bottle nipples and try feeding him purées through the bottle. Also I would suggest talking to early intervention through the pediatrician. It could be a tongue tie or just simply a texture issue. You are absolutely NOT doing anything wrong my baby is in physical therapy and she is constantly telling me parents will try anything some babies just have a harder time
@Melissa ty!!!! This is actually really helpful. Always feed him when he’s hungry! I’ll try for like a second but then give him the bottle because I feel bad that he’s hungry lol. But maybe that’s part of the problem. He’s simply not hungry enough when we try?? I haven’t cut back on bottles because of above reason. He gets 6oz whenever I notice he’s hungry. I’d probably say about 5-6 bottles a day. So 30-36oz of milk. Another great point. Mealtime is always stressful, never fun. I wouldn’t even know where to start with having “fun” with it. It’s not fun at all hahahahaha. I always try to put a least a little food in his mouth (struggle) hoping he falls in love with what he ate and goes full force for it and eats the whole thing. I feel like without me pushing, he never goes hand to mouth to ever try anything.
@Tiara Luv ty! I’ve tried the trick method haha but he always makes a face then spits it out. He won’t even drink water and he really needs to! 😰 the watered down puree doesn’t sound like a bad idea and I’ll definitely give it a try so he can start getting used to other flavors. Although even when I tried watered down apple juice he made a face and spit it out. And that was even against my wish because juice has a lot of sugar, but I was desperate to try anything and even that didn’t work haha. I am more concerned about solids though and wanting him to go for fruits and Cheerios or whatever for snacks and to get the chewing part down.
Id say thats too much milk. My daughter is 10.5 months and having 3/4 6oz bottles a day. Id try having bottles at set times in the day rather than as and when, then offering food at set times too
I also just read too talk to your pediatrician but he might just not be ready for solids but he will get there. I would never go as far as labeling your child as autistic though honestly it’s very hard to tell before 24 months💕 good luck momma wish you the best 🤞💜
Omg you’re working so hard. I finished going though feeding therapy with my oldest. It was very helpful. Just summarize your current feeding habits and what he does like as a reference for later. I kept notes on my oldest which helped when talking to therapists and doctors. This might sound odd, but let him play with his food? Like literally put him in a clean bath tub with a 1/4 cup of apple sauce or a small bowl of Cheerios and let him get sticky and mush things. Show him and narrate like Miss Rachel style. See if curiosity will lead him to put it in his mouth? Wait a few minutes and then you can clean him up when you think he’s done.
He picked up a French fry today and took a bite!!!!!! 🥳 having him do it on his own instead of forcing the spoon in his mouth to taste hoping he’ll want more has seemed to help! Hopefully this progresses
First, you are not a failure. Please put out of your head any fears about "picky eating," because that mindset often puts blame on the parent for not feeding their child properly, or the child for being willful and stubborn on purpose. Neither is the case. While it is normal for babies to refuse food, and they can get over it, from what you've said this does seem like a very strong reaction. Do you usually feed him when he's hungry? Have you cut back any on bottles, just to see if he eats more? It's a tricky middle ground sometimes, because you want them to be hungry, but not so hungry that they completely melt down. Are mealtimes usually fun and light, or do you fight over it? He may have developed a negative association if it's always stressful. All that said, if you have truly tried everything, there is a possibility based on his strong aversion that there is actually a cause. It could be sensory, it could be him having trouble swallowing, it's hard to say. (Cont)