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Anyone else really struggling with this tail end of pregnancy mood wise? My temperament is extremely short, I just always want to cry, and everything my partner says and does bothers me badly. I’m 34 + 2 and I just want to breakdown. I don’t want to be pregnant anymore and am scared of giving birth as this is my first time. I dealt with mood swings before pregnancy and got off my medication so it’d not effect my baby, but life is seriously just making my exhausted and so enraged. It feels like I can’t control my emotions anymore or make my mood better, I can’t even fake it at work or at home. Maybe I’m just crazy and have emotional issues, but wanted to share and see if anyone else is struggling with mood regulation ~ Thanks
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I’m going thru the same thing but they say post partum is harder so idk I feel trapped either way

1000% ready to not be pregnant anymore. intrusive thoughts, general ennui, eating poorly and consequently feeling even worse. scheduled an elective induction at 39 weeks. even though induced contractions are worse, you just gotta get the epidural as soon as you feel uncomfortable. at least that’s what i’ve read and been told by four people.

@bakhtawer I’m so scared to deal with postpartum; this is such a long road. I’m happy to meet my little boy and take care of him, but feeling so emotional to the point where nothing or nobody can help is a lot to bare

I think i am also in the same boat; still at 33 week starting tomorrow but always feeling tired and not interested to do anything; want to sit silent and be myself; I dont know what is happening 😔

I feel the same way sometimes. I don’t feel like working, customers make me mad, my household making me mad, I just want to eat and sleep. The only thing keeping me from going crazy is my baking

I’ve been wanting to cry at the thought that I have at least 6 more weeks🥲🥲

Same :/ I feel like there’s so much pressure on women to appear happy and all excited that I’m unable to express anything regarding how I feel openly. And I’m the kind of person who just cannot fake things even normally:/

Feeling very similar since about 28-29wks! This entire pregnancy has been relatively easy for this first time momma but now I wake up mad at the world some days and I’m like you’ve waited for this for 15+ yrs what is wrong with you? My emotions are like a roller coaster, cry over ALLLLL kinds of things, even dropping something. It’s exhausting but makes me VERY scared for post partum 😬 I just keep praying God gives me a way to overcome allllll these emotions

Did you consult your doctor about going off your medication? I don't know what you were taking, but most SSRIs are completely safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. With the crazy hormones and struggles of pregnancy/postpartum, there is absolutely no shame in taking medication and it won't hurt your baby at all. Your health and well being is just as essential as your child's. I would encourage you to talk to your doctor about your feelings and get back on medication if you want to.

YES. I'm also 34 weeks pregnant. I need this to be over, too.

Yes :( been feeling the same and its effected my work, relationships, body and mindset significantly it’s been rough. I’m so over being pregnant and I am just hoping I don’t get postpartum depression or anything like that 😭

Hey there I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. It’s going to pass and you’re not alone. I wake up angry too and I struggle to stay level. I just remind myself to have grace with myself and I meditate every day whenever possible. This is the biggest challenge of my life and I’m doing my best but it’s going to have ups and downs.

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