@Guadalupe what time does he wake up?
Mine goes to bed at 7pm, we start bath time 630 and is in bed by 7pm. We wake him up at 630 for daycare but during the weekend he wakes up around 730-8am
My daughter wakes up 6:30 and goes to bed at 7:30-8 She takes a 2hr nap from 12-2
Our daughter is 20 months and she goes to bed at 7:30PM but doesn't fall asleep right away it takes anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour and 15 depending on developmental milestones/teething/separation anxiety/change in routine/travel and she wakes up at 7-8AM she also has an hour to 2 hour nap around 12:30-1PM
Currently around 8/8:30pm but we are trying to get it a bit earlier. At the moment my husband and I are both working and don’t get home until 5 so by the time we hang out, make/eat dinner, clean up, play, do bath., it’s 8pm 😅
Kiddo is 19 months. Bedtime is 7:45pm
Around 9pm and wakes up at 8:30am for daycare.
Our daughter is almost 20 months and goes to bed around 8:00pm. She usually sleeps for 9-12 hours straight
9:30 pm 🤣 sometimes 10
My son is 20 months & he goes to bed sharply at 7pm every night unless if it’s a holiday then he goes to bed a little later