my girl will sometimes kind of army crawl, but not really. she doesn't pull up, doesn't babble, doesn't really laugh unless she's being tickled. she doesn't really eat solids either lol. but she's happy and healthy, and her ped has no concerns. I would also be losing my mind if I tried to put her on a timeline. I'm learning to just enjoy each day with her as she learns at her own pace.
Please stop worrying and enjoy him
All babies develop at their own pace
Very true. He will get there
I think there is a balance of monitoring their development to know when additional intervention is needed but not being so focused on milestones or comparison that you can’t enjoy the stage in which your baby is at now. Trust your baby’s journey! They’ll get there eventually!!
Hey I feel you ! Try not to compare your little one to others. He’s fine 😘
I feel the same mama! It’s hard to not worry & constantly compare. My almost 9 month old doesn’t crawl either, heck she doesn’t even army crawl. She pulls herself up and rocks back & forth, then gets frustrated bc she can’t figure out how to move her body 😂 and she’s not saying “mama” yet either. I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to stress too much! (I’m preaching to myself too, here). Every baby develops at their own pace, so as long as your baby is healthy that’s all that matters :)
That is 100% normal. My baby is 8 months tonight and he also is fully focused on his motor skills. They have time. Don’t worry to much ❤️