Following instructions

At 15 months did/does your little one follow simple instructions like “come here” “can I have the ball?“ etc
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erm… kind off, but not all the time, he only brings things we ask for if it’s something he want ie. if he wants a toy opening or tonie box turning on then he will bring it when we say but if it’s a general toy he’s playing with then it either takes a lot of asking or he simply won’t do it x

Yes when i tell her to get her shoes, she will bring me her shoes. If i ask if she wants a drink, she brings me her bottle for me to open. Same as snacks. She can bring me books, toys and stuff from her kitchen when i ask for it 😊 but she doesnt say any words yet, but understands them when i say it

Yes my little girl is 14 months and she follows instructions really well, if I ask her to make me tea she’ll bring the teacup, if I ask her to get a book she’ll bring me a book and sit on my lap, we made crackers the other day together and I showed her how to sprinkle the rosemary on and she did a great job of copying me. Same with shoes she now knows if I ask her to choose her shoes she’ll bring them to me and stick her foot out 😂 it’s so adorable and fascinating how much they understand!

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