@Alyssa I’ve been trying to get a wfh job but it’s currently so hard and I just feel defeated not getting hired. Do you have any recommendations?
My friends have had a lot of luck with reception jobs!! i’m not in NYC, all the way across the country actually. but i hope that helps!
I’m 25 I’m currently going through the same thing. I have 3 kids. Before the kids I was working and taking care of everyone(my lil family plus my mom, lil brother and helping my grandma out). After the kids I wasn’t working and I stopped going to school I was just losing myself. I was scared to leave them with somebody else to watch only because of things that happened before leaving them in someone else’s care. My now the littlest is 1. I decided to go back to school I tried to take most of my classes online so that I’m only away from them 1 or 2 days out of the week. It definitely helps to get out of and clear your head. Even if it a quick trip to Starbucks. I had to learn that with the last one because I was suffocating myself in the house with them 24/7 I started taking little trips to Starbucks, target or the mall with my sister. I started to feel less confused then I decided to go back to school now. Sometimes you have to put yourself first so you can be the best for them.
There is a program for single moms for free daycare so you can work without having the burden of paying for an expensive childcare
have you considered going back to school online? or getting a part time WFH job? this can help you develop a routine and find a sense of independence and sense of self 😊❤️