baby vs Yorkie dog

my younger sister dog Mia has been barking since the day my son born and came home (parents house). Mia had been trained under my sister but it’s doesn’t seem improved at all. she been spoiled since as pup and treat as baby in brat way. anyway, she still barking and jealous whenever my parents & other sister hold him. she just cried or growling barking. my baby didnt get scared by her bark at all but the behavior bother me a quite a bit. I had tried gave her love. she happy to accept but not accepting my son. other night, i asked my sister to hold my baby while i prepared formula and return to get my baby. she just growling and nearly to jump towards to my son face but my sister caught her and apart her. me as mama bear come out and took my baby fast and got mad at my sister for gently correcting her and need to firm and stop baby talking toward her. she just look at me and say she wont do anything to your baby. i got even more angry and yell at her for be lacking in discipline the dog firmly. my parents come out the room and want me to calm down. i shout in anger say mia jump on top my baby. i stormed into my room with my baby. am I wrong for correct the dog even whn i am not owner ? i am tempt to just leave and move out. any advice???
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That’s a bite waiting to happen. Without proper training that dog is viewing your baby as a threat and showing signs of aggression. Not a good situation. Babies over Dogs everyday I just don’t understand why people place their dogs on a higher or equal status to children. I hope that they look into professional training or you can find a better living situation. If a dog jumped at my daughter face that dog would 100% be corrected and I don’t care if the owners get upset. Sorry you are in a tough position. But you have every right to be upset. For the time being just keep the dog and baby away from each other.

I agree don’t let the dog near your baby at all. I know someone who’s little yorkie bit off the top of their babies upper lip doing the same thing your describing… be careful

Also yes it’s probably time to move out

That’s so annoying. My yorkie was so gentle with my baby. He was very sweet though. Your sisters dog seems mean and territorial.

My husband works in a hospital and has told me too many stories where dogs and babies end very badly, please don’t take any risks. If you can, move out.

Little dogs need just as much training as big dogs. If this was a pit bull the reaction would have been worse I bet. It is not jealousy it is resource guarding and that is dangerous. The dog believes those humans belong to her a dog. Wait till the baby is crawling and the dog lunges because the baby went to close to someone they believe is theirs. “Jealousy” aka resource guarding is NOT cute. Our son’s grandparents have a dog who is tiny but has lots of “jealousy”even with very little amount of teeth they don’t allow that dog near their grandkid. Stays in a whole different room even when he spends the night there. They don’t risk it. It even has a muzzle when it needs to be taken out to not even risk that 5lb dog to bite. A dog bite is a dog bite. They HURT and get infected easily. Trauma from a dog bite even as a baby it sticks in the brain. You’re not in the wrong and no dog should come before a baby.

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