Finger foods are actually much much easier for them to eat than shredded at this age since they lack the hand dexterity to eat them. Get the solid starts app is great for trekking you how to prepare food.
There is nothing wrong with starting at purees if you are comfortable with that. You can dip your toes into BLW foods, but judge by your kid's reaction and go from there. It's ok to skip foods for now that make you uncomfortable. You are the parent. You control what your baby eats. He's 7 months old. He doesn't need to be devouring pork chops. Give it time.
I started with blander foods. Because my guy struggled with the bolder flavors and textures at once. He loves toast without the crust. I tried a no salt or sugar added peanut butter. Luckily no peanut allergy. He also loves eggo waffles lightly buttered. He loves strips of string cheese. And then I did banana mashed. Since I knew he liked pureed bananas. And he loves eating berries when they are in those fruit holders. I can try to link them if that is something you are interested it. But I try new things slowly so he doesn’t get overwhelmed. But he also eats baby yogurt. And we still do pureed veggies for now