How to stop fear

So I am 15 weeks, we have our gender scan next weekend and I can’t stop panicking that something will be wrong. My 3 year old really wants to come to the scan but I’m too scared to let him in case something has gone wrong. This is another fertility baby that took 3 years and the inbetween stage where I have a big bump but no movements or signs to know baby is okay 😢
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Generally you don’t start feeling baby move until 16 weeks onwards and even then it’s really not that common to feel it and you could pass it off as air moving around in your tummy anyway. With my second I felt nothing until 24 weeks!! My placenta was sitting at the front so stopped me feeling a thing! If you feel more comfortable not taking your 3 year old then do that, because it’s whatever makes you feel most at ease!! But all in all I’m absolutely sure everything will be okay, you’ve totally got this 🥰❤️

Sorry can’t offer advice, but I’m feeling exactly the same. Just so nervous for my next scan at around 16 weeks!

I feel exactly the same between each appointment. I had my gender scan on Saturday just gone and had my mum and my partners mum and dad coming with us. I was so worried something was going to be wrong but all was fine and it was such a magical experience! X

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