Speech delay

I’m wondering if anyone else’s toddler doesn’t speak much yet. My son knows less than 10 words and some are in his own way, he is 19 months. He says “wow”, “bye”, “hi”, “nana” (banana), “ba” (bottle), “boo”, “blue”. He knows what things are when I talk to him though, for example if I tell him where’s his dinosaur he’ll grab it and show it to me, if I ask if he wants milk he says “ba” (which is his way of saying bottle). Should I be worried that he doesn’t say much words? I practice daily and repeat words as often as I can so he can catch on but nothing. I know I shouldn’t rush him and I don’t nag him by telling him “say this, say that”. But any tips on getting him to say more than what he does now?
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I’m not a professional but tbh i wouldn’t be concerned, boys are typically a lot later, as long as he is trying to communicate and understands you i wouldn’t worry. Just stay consistent and if you’re really concerned schedule some time with a speech therapist to ease your mind

My toddler is the same, 19 months this month and only saying a handful of words… I’ve not been worrying as I feel like she’s only just getting hang of it, so I’m assuming she’ll be on more of a roll with it soon 😃 they all get there in their own time ay x

Same! One time mine boy randomly said “hello”, “Gerber snacks,” and “mommy” but doesn’t say them consistently. I have my well visits next week and I’m dreading it because he’s already receiving therapy for his delayed walking. One of the therapists said she was concerned about him throwing toys and mentioned autism so I’ve been so down because of it

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