My little boy is CONSTANTLY saying he is hungry and asking for food

Anyone got any advice on how to deal with this? It’s mainly in the mornings after he has his breakfast. I really don’t think he is hungry as he has a big bowl of cereal followed by toast. He is constantly following me into the kitchen and saying he is hungry. There’s only so many healthy snacks I can offer him🙈 When I tell him he has to wait a little while he starts to have a tantrum and just moans the whole morning
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Us too...mostly when unsure what to do next...better when distracted. Possibly thirsty too?

We had the same and spoke to our health visitor. She told us to offer water and say if you’re still hungry after we’ve done this activity or in an hour then we can have another snack rather than giving more. It can take longer for their food to digest so they won’t feel full immediately after eating so a break is important. She wasn’t worried as our daughter isn’t overweight and snacking healthy but she said it could be more of a boredom thing or thirst rather than being hungry

Exactly the same here!! Following for the same advice… 👀

It was happening the same to us. I realised when he has cereals it's just not enough for him, he is full for 30 mins and then hungry again. Instead, I give him bread with butter, or egg, pancakes,etc. This will take him until late snack and then is lunch time ...

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