@Khushi i didnt expect tantrums just yet but here we are😂
Yes glad I'm not the only one, we have excited screams at the moment 😆
@Samina its so funny cuz i can see her powering herself up to do it but deffo need to make sure iv some paracetamol in cuz i have a headache by dinner time😂 its constant screaming😂
@Emily hahaha mines is on and off but she's definitely more excited these days easily 😆
We’ve entered the excited screams phase! It’s hilarious🤣
My wee man started screaming and a few days after this started saying dada!
Such funny little characters xx
To reply to your question 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 thats what he does for living
Yes and I am glad I am not the only one experiencing this, tantrums have also started 😂😂