@Breeze bless her glad she is doing better now. I think it will take time hopefully he will get use to it in time then start to feel more confident. He can be shy with strangers too xx
@Laura I used to be really worried about it but she has definitely improved with time so I'm sure your little one will get there xx
My daughter is very shy and cautious around new people and environments. But when in her comfort zone and with people she knows, she’s crazy and chatty! I think it’s normal for their age 🥰
I literally had a report from my daughter's pre school today and the area to work on was that she is very quiet. She's so chatty at home, she plays nicely and communicates with other kids etc, I just think she's a big fan of talking in front of groups. They comment that she will talk in a small group of children but not during their circle time. I was also a bit worried about as they have commented on this before but I guess some kids are just a bit more reserved. Thanks for posting though, nice to know others are in the same position xx
My little girl was exactly the same when she first started pre school (last April). She's doing a lot better now but if she comes across a stranger when out and about she still refuses to talk haha