Anyone anxious waiting for first scan?

I’m in my fifth week of pregnancy and I have minimal symptoms. If it wasn’t for a positive pregnancy test & missed period, I literally wouldn’t know I’m pregnant right now. I’m feeling super anxious if there’s actually anything in there.. my scan is booked for 7 weeks. Anyone else feeling like this? Or am I just over reacting 🧐😬
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I’m in exactly the same spot! Scan booked for 6+3 next week

Omg same!!!! I have an early scan next week!! Counting the days! I’m so happy I took a pregnancy test as I literally was supposed to go out drinking for my friends birthday!! I wouldn’t have a clue if I didn’t miss my period

I’m the exact same! I don’t feel pregnant and feel quite anxious about it. How did you go about getting a scan before 12 weeks?

@Katie I’m glad I’m not the only one 😂 you’ll have to let me know how your scan goes!

@Mama To Be Its mad isn’t it. I feel like I have to take a random pregnancy test here and there as I’m like, is this really happening?? 😂

@Katie girl same🤣 took one day before yesterday and it said 3+ weeks. I want to take another 🙈

@Mama To Be Im taking my CB tomorrow and hopefully get my 3+ then. I’ve been holding out 😂

I’m taking them every 48 hours 🤣 praying for 3+ tomorrow

I am exactly the same. I am 4weeks + 3 and have a 6 week scan booked for next Sunday. I have taken 3 tests as still don’t quite believe it as no other symptoms like you describe except missed period! It’s nerve wracking so you’re not alone!

Do you guys have a “due date” as of yet. Flo says mine is October 5th

@Mama To Be my app says 4th October

@Katie this is why I think I might be a little further along than I think because I thought my test would have said 2-3 but it said 3+. This will be a longgg week before my scan haha

I’m 5+3 and I’m the exact same. I have minimal symptoms with the occasional nausea. Were on this journey together 😭🤣

@Emily when’s your due date? X

@Mama To Be 3rd of October 🫶🏼

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Most people start getting symptoms from 6 weeks so it could still happen. I never had any symptoms with my first though so hoping I don’t this time round. I’m just over 5 weeks and nothing yet 🙏 just booked an early scan for 9 weeks. I had one at 10 weeks last time as I didn’t find out I was pregnant until about 7 weeks. I want to see as much as possible on the scan and have an accurate date before my booking appointment as I didn’t have a period to work off. Feels a long time to wait though!

@Mama To Be yeah I think I’m possibly like 2 days ahead of my app but deffo not much off. I’m just hoping I’m far enough to see things on the early scan

Yeah that's why I booked an scan for next week

How’s everyone doing today? I feel the exact same! No symptoms and so anxious about everything being ok. I’m somewhere between 5+4 and 5+6 and due 2-4th Oct depending on which app! @Katie did you get your 3+ CB today?😊❤️

@Olivia I did 🙌🏼 still stressing though with no symptoms except painful cramps!

@Olivia I’ve been mostly symptomless other than sore boobs up until yesterday then the nausea hit me in full force. You’ll get your turn 😭 or maybe you’ll be one of the lucky few 🫶🏼

i’m due oct 19th and i haven’t had many symptoms but all i know is that my boobs hurt like HELL 🤣🤦‍♀️ good luck on your journey beautiful girlies 🤍

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