My soz was measuring over 8lb on scans and was born 6lb13 at 37+5 x
They said at 39 weeks my son seemed to have stopped growing and was going to be about 6lbs 11oz he was born at 40+1 weighing 8lbs 1/2 oz so don't take the growth scans to seriously
My last growth scan when I was expecting my boy was at 36wks & he was estimated 7lb 5oz - he was born at 39+2 weighing 9lb 6oz, so he likely was there or there about at that scan. They are known to be pretty out, but there have been odd occasions where they're bang on x
I think the scans have a 20% margin of error? My midwife recommended this website for reliable data/evidence -
My son was 7.7lbs at 42 weeks but he measured 3 weeks behind the whole way x
Growth scan 37+2 weeks put my baby at 9lb6 he was born 37+5 at 8lb6 x no GD😂
My baby was measuring 8lb8oz at 35 weeks. He was born 13 days late 9lb4oz. So the scans really aren’t accurate. I was never given any option other than to wait. Whenever I brought up being worried about him measuring big they just said they don’t worry about big babies, just small ones. I know doesn’t stop you worrying though!
Girrrrrl, mine was 9lb on scan at 36+5 weeks, they induced me! He was born 9lb1oz 37+3. I could’ve left it entirely to my own body to go into labour naturally although that wasn’t recommended, or opted for an elective c section at 39 weeks. But first baby and he measured huge and was huge for his gestation! No gestational diabetes or anything either. 7lb8 sounds reasonable for your gestation! They will likely leave it and let you labour naturally if that’s what you prefer! X
Scans are never 100% accurate, they were concerned my friend and I were both having big babies measuring 8lb+ at 37 weeks, she had her wee boy at 38+4 weighing 5lb 15 and I had mine at 38+2 weighing 7lb6💕 I had high bp so I was induced and my consultant said to me once you're passed 37 weeks, baby cooks just as well on the outside as it does on the inside at that point so it was safest for me to get him out. If nothing else is causing any concern it's completely up to you if you'd rather keep them in a bit longer xx