My son is 1 on Friday. I got a push shopping cart off of Amazon that has a feature to slow down about 3 weeks ago that he has been using daily. As of 2 days ago my son takes 4 steps at a time independently with no support. I think the shopping cart really made a difference in his confidence and helped his brain make the connection to move forward. Previously, he never walked with me with 1 hand, now he does that super quick. It may be worth exploring if you think she's ready and she hasn't tried that yet.
Mine isn’t really walking but she can walk around with a push walker and can stand and take a few steps at a time. I’m having to come to terms that she’s just going to hit her milestones on her own timetable. Don’t worry too much. If yours is pulling up to stand she just probably hasn’t worked up the courage and balance yet
Mine is walking yet but he cruises on the couch and other furniture. He sometimes pushes his walker but not often, he likes playing with the front more. Yesterday he was trying to take a step without holding onto the couch but went down after. I’m pretty sure he just isn’t confident yet but he 100 is able to. He also isn’t standing independently yet, although he can also 100 do that too. I try to encourage him to let go. Sometimes if he’s standing and playing he will forget that he “needs” to hold on and will let go
Mines not yet! Turns one tomorrow. I don’t think it’s really a concern until they hit 15 months. Anyone is welcome to correct me, I’m a first time mom.
My daughter isn’t walking yet either and I’m not worried she still has time before I should be concerned.
It's normal to be showing signs of nearing walking at 1, like cruising on furniture, pushing toys, etc. out of 5 only my smallest was walking before 1. I feel like bigger babies take longer.. my largest was my latest to walk.
My son's pediatrician told us today don't be worried unless they aren't walking by 15 months. Don't stress mama!
From a mama of 4 kids, every child is different I had some that start to walk from 13-15 months
My baby isn’t quite walking yet either.