I’ve used pull ups for a good few months now as it was always a nightmare changing my LBs nappy so it’s just easier with pull ups
We’ve used pull ups since around 8 months. No way my boy would lay still enough for a nappy!
Pull ups from I think both my girls were about 5/6 months, they just fit better !
We use them just at night time as we've found they prevent leaks better (since about 9 months)
We also use them at night time x
What sizes are you all using?
Size 6
As soon as he stated to crawl at about 7/8 months because he just doesn’t sit still
We started pull ups and like 5/6 months when he became a right wriggly bum 🤭 I stuggle with tape nappy’s now but we keep a back up on tape nappy’s for emergency’s. He’s in size 5, nearly needing a size 6 x
Size 6 at the moment, each baby different though but i found for girls pull ups fit better x
Pullups are nappies so not suitable for potty training. It's just easier if your baby hates lying down to be changed. It's developmentally appropriate to change children standing up if they are able to stand without support. That's why they may resist laying down as they want to tell you mum I'm grown up I can stand now so let me!
We use nappy pants and have done since my little boy could roll as it was like wrestling an alligator! We love them so much easier. We’ve just started to use Aldi night pants for bedtime as he was leaking every single night and would really reccomend them too no leaks on a night since we’ve started using them for bedtime xxxx
Hey, I’ve been using pull up for many months mainly because my son is quite active and started to walk around 11.5 months and i thought he would be more comfortable in them. I think its personal choice whether to use nappies or pull ups :)