Everytime she wakes at night you should do a 20-25 minute pump or at least every 4 hours (ex: if you sleep at 9 wake at 12 and 4am to pump) thats what I did. Also dont make the mistake I did, i decided to stop breastfeeding all together and relactating later was extremely hard to do. Also try eating meals full of vitamins and stuff you know will make your breastmilk more nutrient dense, maybe it will help
I think you’re making enough but I know when my son was that old he cluster feed at night and sometimes during the day your baby is probably trying to figure out a good schedule and they’re going through growth spurts you could always ask your lactation consultant
Yeah baby is clusterfeeding to build your supply at that age, my baby clusterfed up until about 12 weeks old. It was absolutely exhausting but you have to keep latching them/pumping when they're hungry to regulate your supply to make what they need! As long as baby us having plenty of wet and dirty nappies and happy in themselves then they're eating plenty ❤️
@Jalissa Yes! she cluster feeds all the time and yes I put baby first but at night it’s so exhausting!! I’m just worried she wasn’t getting enough from me due to her waking up a decent amount at night to eat
@Katie Definitely lots of dirty and wet diapers! even blowouts!!
@Victoria I don’t think I’ll ever stop breastfeeding until she is fully of age to. I don’t like using formula (no hate to moms who do as long as baby gets fed!) but personally I love breastfeeding. it’s very tiring but she gets what she needs from me! I’ve been on a diet due to gallstones so I think it’s had my milk supply in a toll which is very stressful!
@Ryann I didn’t know that!! it’s so crazy how a women’s body works!! thank you so much! do you know when it should fully be coming in?
That’s what I worried about with my son bc they said he wasn’t gaining weight right but my supply was good and it is exhausting I know I was so sleep deprived I didn’t know where my baby was and he was in bassinet but at 4 weeks there stomach isn’t as big and it sounds like your supply is doing good
@maile it really is! The first big regulation is around 6 or 8 weeks and Then again around 12 weeks. I definitely second others saying if baby isn’t having adequate wet diapers and/or gaining weight well then reach out to a lactation consultant they helped me tremendously! And they are covered under some insurances you just may need to pay a copay
@Ryann she definitely is, I’ve changed more than 5 already since 7!😂 I’ve tried to call but the one by me doesn’t like to answer their phones!! if you were in my shoes would you cut out the formula all together? I really want to but I just want to make sure she’s fed good
Try feeding more often during the day. Offer breast every 2 hours, unless babe wants it sooner themselves. Waking at night sucks, but it's so normal. Even fully formula fed babies wake at night. If you don't feed baby at night, your supply (yes, even the day) will likely tank. It's so important to feed baby round the clock and even more important to feed between 2am-5am when prolactin (the milk making hormone) is at its highest.
@Kirsten I’m totally fine with waking up at night to feed her and everything so that isn’t a problem with me, it’s more her not seeming full after feedings, she always seems to fall asleep for a few minutes as I try to offer it to her even more but she stays asleep, then she will wake up minutes later and be hungry again, I check diapers I do bicycle kicks, I make sure she’s comfortable then I try to feed again and it’s always that she’s hungry
She may not be hungry though. My girl only ever really fed for about 10 minutes, right from the beginning. Being so young still, baby could have reflux. It's very common so young because their bits and bobs aren't very mature yet. Feeding would relieve the reflux. Also gas. Baby may need a burp, this can also cause discomfort.
@Kirsten I always try to do bicycle kicks and rubs, and I burp but it’s not that
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@maile does she have the tendency to fill asleep before the end of a feed?
@Charlotte yes!! At nights she always falls asleep, I saw a trick where if baby stops then you touch their cheek and it causes them to continue, she usually continues but eventually she will stop and fall asleep
@Charlotte yes!! She will fall asleep then 30 minutes later even if wake up and be hungry again, I check all the things before I feed her like diaper, gas, if she’s uncomfortable, the temperature, but she’s always just hungry
It is totally normal for babies to wake in the night to feed honestly I would just BF her at night or pump have someone give her a bottle because otherwise you will lose your supply. At 4 weeks it isn’t regulated yet so you are most likely going to have an oversupply. Going all night without pumping/ BF will tell your body to make less milk/less often