My little boy was born 10th and started crawling just over a week ago and now pulling himself up 😭 I need 10 sets of eyes!!
It will suddenly just click, we’re 2 weeks into crawling and already not pulling up to stand constantly and trying to walk 🤦🏼♀️
My LO was the 5/6 and she’s been crawling a few weeks now! Also pulling herself up and standing! Gone are the days I got a chance for a cuppa 😂 xxx
It’s so bittersweet isn’t it! Like yay she’s developing but where has my baby gone?? Also I’ve taught myself to crochet over the past 7 months which I’ll no longer be able to do when she figures this out 😂😂😂
May baby was born on the 9th she's also sooo close she know what she needs to do as in how to move her legs and arms but as soon as she moves her arms she face plants 😂 (on to cushioned playmat) xx
@Chardonnay mine was born the 9th too x
Mine was born on the 18th, she’s pushing herself backwards and nearly getting on her knees. I don’t think it’ll be too much longer! She’s so frustrated as she can’t do it yet! 😂
@Hannah aww I love that! Xxx
We can’t wait for them to get on the move the. When they do we wish they would go back to sitting still lol
Mines a day younger than yours and not at that point yet it’s like she just humps the floor 😂 she’s getting so frustrated though that she can’t move or go anywhere! Xx
Yeah my girl can crawl she was born on 1st June. Just before she could crawl it used to really frustrate her but one day on the baby monitor I saw her get on her hands and knees WHILST SHE WAS ASLEEP😂😂 she woke up and knew how to crawl hahaha x
Mine was born on the 28/06 and he does the exact same thing. It’s like he knows how to move his arms but his legs don’t do it just yet. But we’re so close. It’s getting scary close 😅😅
my son was born the 7th and he’s been crawling for a few weeks and pulling to stand up on furniture !
My girl was born 25th June and crawled at the weekend. She was doing the same things for weeks and one day it just clicked
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my girl was the 6th and reading these comments is bittersweet my girl isn’t doing any of this yet🥲 she gets on all fours then slides onto her belly and gets upset, she’s been sitting since before 5 months yet rolling, crawling etc. it’s just not coming naturally to her at the minute like sitting did
@Emily same here!! Exactly same here!
@Jen well at least we’re not alone reading the comments i thought it was only my baby but good to know youre experiencing this too!
@Emily it’s actually quite early for babies to crawl.. most crawl between 9-10 months and some don’t at all. My daughter didn’t crawl until 9 months but then walked at 10months but didn’t speak until near 2… they all develop differently at different times 🥰
@Edel i didn’t crawl to be fair so yeh don’t know why i didn’t think of this thank you c
Mine was born on 13th and he will get on all 4s and rock but can't quite work out how to coordinate the arm and leg movement yet. He's shuffled his legs forward a few times but then forgets his arms and collapses😆 he's army crawling though. Also has started trying to pull himself up against me and is loving to stand which is scary🙈
@Caitlin if he’s a army crawling, normal crawling will be imminent! That’s what happened with mine. Army crawled for about a week the boom off he went!
@Hannah he's been army crawling for just over a week (about 10 days?) and he's so nearly there! He spends most of his time planking and rocking then gets super frustrated🤣 I feel like I'm not prepared for what's to come haha
@Caitlin I reckon any day then! Honestly mine keeps breaking the play barrier (pregnancy cushion- he hates to go in prison aka play pen lol) and sneaking into the kitchen and yelling at me or just starts giggling when I spot him. Thinks it’s bloody hilarious he does!
@Joy My boy tends to practice in his cot too!😭 It's so funny. He's been army crawling for just over a week, but the morning before he did it, I'd caught him army crawling while asleep in bed to get to his dummy. Then in the morning he'd mastered it haha! Now he rocks on all 4s in his cot practicing the next steps😂
@Caitlin I’ve spotted the crawling in the cot and whilst asleep! As well as crawling out of the next to me and onto me! Honestly this boy is a pain in the arse! lol 😂
@Hannah oh bless him😂 I've been considering getting a play pen of some kind just to keep him and his toys somewhat "contained" once he's on the go haha. We also have a dog and 3 indoor cats so it's pure chaos already and he's not even completely mobile yet🙈
@Caitlin id end up putting the dogs and cats in it just so to give them peace from mine roaming around 😂
My little girl was born on the 18th and is the exact same!! Feel like in a few weeks she will be there with it!! 🥹