Pretty sure this behaviour is normal with toddlers. If you're worried, you can always check with the doctor with some blood work, but it's not uncommon for toddlers to just eat everything 😑
He may have pica, I have it as well. It’s where you crave certain non food items
I would check with his pediatrician and ask if he is having an iron deficiency
I'm not a medical professional, I just think that maybe a consultation would be helpful
I have heard of craving dirt being a deficiency of some sort
I started giving my baby a daily vitamin at 1 years old. You can find them pretty much in any grocery store. But I get them at Natural Grocers. I think putting things in the mouth is totally normal for a toddler. Even dirt. Especially if they know they aren’t supposed to lol. But if you’re concerned about it, just ask a pediatrician.
I’m sure he will be ok, as much as it’s wrong I think try to keep a bowl on a little table right next to him and try to move his attention to the snacks when he goes to put the dirt in his mouth 🤣🤣