Potty training not as bad as I thought
I'm a first timer & was a bit nervous of potty training. My daughter showed no sign of readiness & no awareness of when she'd been in her nappy. Whenever we ask her to use the potty she just says no thank you. My husband had last week off work so we decided to try potty training while he was around to help. We started on Monday after her nap. We went straight to underpants, no naked phase. We had 2 accidents no successes, no surprise really.
We were shocked the following morning though, 2 wees & a poo all on the potty, 100% success rate! She had accidents the rest of the day but that was a great start. Friday we had our first (& so far only) accident-free day 🥳
Today we managed a shopping trip on the bus without any accidents (apart from mummy forgetting to take the potty home with us, oops)!
So it's going better than I expected, & hopefully that gives other first timers more confidence too.
So pleased to read this, well done to you both. We’re starting with our daughter soon, my husband has a few days off then nursery will take over for a few days, I’m really hoping she grasps it quickly, with a mobile 10 month old at home I’m dreading it tbh. Did you follow a particular method? x