Baby’s tummy measuring big

Hi all, I’ve just had my growth scan (34 weeks today) & due 17th March. I’ve been told baby’s tummy is measuring bigger (38 weeks) and her head & thigh are fine at 34 weeks. I’m being sent for a GD test on Friday, has anyone else had this from their growth scan? They’ve also said they think she’s weighing about 5lbs 14oz and are now referring to her as a ‘big baby’. The doctor has also scared the life out of me telling me things that could go wrong at birth due to her being big 😖😖 any advice please or anyone in the same boat?! Xx
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I’m in exactly the same boat! Her tummy was on the 96th! I have a GD test Friday also & another growth scan on the 21st, as scans aren’t always accurate. They made me wait for a consultation after my scan last Friday & looks like I may be having another c section, which I did not want with a toddler!

I had this from my growth scan and had to start glucose testing for two weeks. Turns out my sugars look fine so they have just said that baby is just on the bigger end. I would try not stress yourself out if you can. I joined the gestational diabetes UK group on Facebook and it’s really helped answer some questions and calm my nerves! Message if you want to chat more xx

Baby also due late march, and his belly also in the 95%, my glucose was fine and because my last one was big but flew under the radar, and I had no complications, they haven’t said anything further. Midwife tomo, let’s see if there’s an update.

@Sarah thank you! they mentioned about having another scan but will hear through a letter in the post so just have to wait for that now 🤞🏼 I’m still hoping I can have a natural birth 🥲xx

@Teneal hopefully I’ll know ASAP from the GD test on Friday 🤞🏼 I’ll have a look at that group on Facebook, thank you! Xx

@Yuls hope everything goes well! 🤞🏼

@Megan 🤞 for you!! I had the GD test my last pregnancy, but came back negative. Hoping it does this time! Was hoping for the finger testing kit this time as being starving in hospital waiting for 2.1/2 hours isn’t fun! They are out of stock in my hospital though!

I had scan at 32 weeks and was told he was weighing 5 pound 2 with a big tummy but my bump is measuring the right amount of weeks, I’m worried how big he’s going to be 🤣😩

I’ve just had my 32 week growth scan today and they said baby is between 91st and 97th centile. Tummy measuring 3 weeks ahead and estimated weight of 4lb 4oz. I was asked if I’d had a GD test and I did have at 25 weeks which was negative. No other mention of it by my consultant and they weren’t concerned with how ‘big’ she was. I’m nervous about how big she’ll get in another 8 weeks! I have another growth scan in 4 weeks time. Hope the GD test goes well! X

@Briony I know this was my first concern, especially as they keep referring to her as a ‘big baby’!! Hoping at the next scan she’s not measuring really big 🫣 xxx

@Ellen hoping my results on Friday are negative too 🤞🏼 good luck with the growth scan! xx

@Megan I don’t even have any more scans to see the difference 😩so I just got to wait till he arrives 😩 it makes me feel like it’s my fault he’s big, from things that I’ve eaten 😭

I'm in exactly the same boat after having my 32 week scan today. I've got another GD test(had one at 28 weeks and passed) on Wednesday ahead of my consultant appointment on Thursday which I am sure they will try and do the same thing. They did this with my first said he was measuring at 10lbs ect when in actual fact he only weighed 7lbs 13. So although I'm pissed about them constantly bringing up my BMI I'm just doing what they we asking knowing baby is all good and growing xx

Just came here to say that scans measurements are 10-20% inaccurate so everything they tell you is based on estimates. Realistically you won’t know your baby’s size until they arrive. Try not to let staff scare you into being induced early or pushed into a Caesarian. Besides, they can’t ‘make’ you do any of their suggestions; your body your choice. Also, Your body knows what it’s doing, it’s not going to make a baby too big for you. It’s also no reflection on your dietary intake if they do end up being big. I’d advise to trust your bodies, we’ve literally evolved to do this. 👍

I was sent for a GD test because baby boy measured big, test was clear, another growth scan said he was fine but I’ve since had glucose in urine so being sent for another which is next week, it’s so up and down x

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Hello, I had this at my 32 week scan - I have a 35 week scan next week but basically they were going to keep an eye. They said a ‘larger’ tummy compared to the head and thigh could be as they’ve also just had a big drink etc so nothing to necessarily worry about x

@Briony this was my first thought as well when they told me earlier!! 😖 I’ve heard from loads of people how to take the scans with a pinch of salt as they’re not always accurate, but hope everything goes well for you lovely xxx

@Laura thanks so much! Needed to hear this 🙌🏼 x

@Keeley ahh I hope this is the case! Wish they wouldn’t scaremonger us, don’t need the added stress!! But thanks so much, feel more at ease 🥰 xxx

@Harriet it’s so stressful isn’t it 😖 hope it goes well for you next week xx

@Megan I didn’t have a GD test before now so this is the first I’ll be having it! I’ve seen lots of ladies saying how they were told one weight and then baby came out weighing much less - hoping this is the case for me! But definitely good to know baby is healthy & growing 🥰 xxx

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