I exclusively bf but pump too! I'm a just enougher. Keep going strong momma 💪 you got this! I'm nervous for daycare. Just pay me!! 😂
Idk. When one thing goes downhill I kinda spiral and mentally berate myself that I can't do right, and feel bad my son got stuck with me as a mom. I know it's not true, but I used to get blamed for so much, that now I blame myself for things I had no control over, but it's like tenfold 'cause then I start thinking I'm a terrible wife and mother. Ugh then there's the guilt of not soaking in the time with my first baby when I'm cleaning (now I have a baby carrier, though), but then the guilt of cuddling with my Nugget instead of keeping the house clean. Oh and then the guilt over being overstimulated by our dog, especially when he refuses to eat his food, but will still beg shamelessly, and all I want to do is yell at him to eat his food 'cause he's losing weight and I can't put up with the stress about worrying about him. 😭 Oh and then I keep blaming myself for my son not sleeping in his crib yet, and only wanting to fall asleep with me(I do love the sleepy cuddles, though). Sorry for the rant 😅
Definitely looking around like where did my little baby go 😭😭 but I did the same with his sister
@Wendy Night times have become pretty difficult here. He doesn't really sleep through the night anymore. Someone told me to try the Huggies 7 day trial for their sleep help part. I might. As for the overthinking you are not alone. I do that stuff too. I tend to feel the cleaning part and the cuddles or when I'm trying to let baby have play time alone to learn independence. I feel like I'm ignoring baby and feel terrible about it. Does dog eat kibble? That stuff is gross just give them chicken. Boil it, no flavoring needed, white rice and some veggies if you want to get fancy with it. Pumpkin gives them the rubs if it's too much but makes their coats Shiney. But really don't beat yourself up on this stuff. And try to remember you are not alone. Most likely someone out there is feeling the same way or going through something just like this. Keep your head up 💪
@DeJah the time is flying by too fast. I miss the little one that could fit on one arm! Now this kid is half my size!
Couldnt agree more. It’s bitter sweet. I always brushed people off when they would tell me how fast it all goes, but as a FTM I was so filled with anxiety I didn’t know what to think I just wanted to make sure I was a good enough mommy! My 7 soon to be 8 month is crawling like crazy and standing (with support) INSANE!! I love it but at the same time I’m like where’s my baby?
@Jen toooo fast! 🥺🥺🥺
I have been feeling stressed and tired because my baby Is getting he's first tooth and my boyfriend is being a asshol
@Hazel oo that's rough. We are getting the top 2 in now. Grumpiness and drool all the time lately. The bottom 2 were worse and that was December. Those men tend to not have the patience and unconditional love we have for our babies. 🙄
Hi! Yeah this week I'm doing good lol I finally got my period and I think that comes into play for how I am doing at the moment. My sex drive is finally back, I thought I might be broken so thats relieving. Haha also since I'm working full time it's been hard to keep up with pumping since we are BF exclusively at home, I've decided to supplement with some formula (this was blasphemy to be at the beginning) but I'm learning to be easy on my self. Women are true superheros and I am still devoted to BF but I'm anxious with him starting day care in 2 months they will ask since I don't have a stash stocked.