Need advice

Me and my child’s father broke up almost 3 months ago he abandoned me and my daughter and all of our animals and left me to take care of all of it while he’s out drinking, he’s been recently trying to come around again and saying he wants to move back in but then after we see each other he doesn’t text for hours or doesn’t even act interested at all I feel like he really doesn’t even care about seeing our daughter he only comes around because he wants to have sex with me. Should I go no contact and how do I do that when I still love him and can’t understand why after everything he put us through
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That’s my exact situation right now, I just filed a harassment restraining order on him today, I can’t handle it anymore

I personally would not allow him around and use it as evidence to get custody and child support. Then he can go through the court to figure out visitation and you will have protections on when he can visit and what he can do. If he wants to be a father he will use the time given to him, if he doesn’t then he will not show up for visits and you can cut him out of your life. Your child doesn’t need that inconsistency. It will be even more confusing for them and often kids internalize these things and we do not want that. I know your baby is small now, but the pattern of inconsistency will continue and as they get older they will become more aware of the situation. It’s your job to make sure the situation they become aware of is a good one. Best of luck to you! You are strong mama 🫶🏼

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