Behaviour & mum shaming

Hello lovely mumma's! I was at my local shopping centre watching my daughter (2 years old) play on the playground. She was having a great time playing away and really engaged. I called out to her and she didn't respond straight away but did after the 2nd time. Anyway, a mum sitting next to me just turned to me and said oh I hope you're having her assessed for asd because she's not responding to her name. My daughter is a happy toddler and gets super excited when around other kids so she'll have moments when she jumps up and down, sqeals or claps her hands. She has alot of energy and has her moments of bug feelings and tantrums. She's two and learning to navigate her feelings. I wasn't concerned until a random stranger made me suddenly second guess every little thing my daughter does. Is anyone else's toddler like this?
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My toddler is like this. She knows her name and knows how to respond to it. However, when I am calling her name to ask her not to do something, or to take her home from somewhere fun, she chooses to completely ignore me and it takes me three or four times of calling her name for her to respond 🤣 I think this is completely normal. Toddlers are smarter than we give them credit for. When my daughter finally does respond she gives me a cheeky grin. She knows EXACTLY what she is doing lol. People will always think they know it all, but it’s your child and you know her best. If you’re concerned, maybe do some research and get some professional opinions, but if you’re only second guessing because of one comment a stranger made, I would just ignore it.

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