Our girls are just over three months old and we introduced a nap routine then and their naps mostly coincide with each other. One doesn't settle alone so I carry one in the sling and the other falls asleep independently. They're 15 weeks now and I would say it got easier from 11 weeks. It's so tough but it sounds like you're doing a really great job
3 months start the routine going , bath bottle and bed is always great Feed them at the same time Try not to jump up and intervieme with their nighttime noises...twin mums are so fearful of one twin waking the other one up that we react and intervene unecessarily at night and don't let them self soothe... confusing for twins as often in the day if theirs only their primary care giver around they often have to wait and self soothe in the daytime ... as there's only one pair of hands xx
When one wakes, wake the other, change both bums and feed them and get the back to sleep at the same exact time, around 3 months old is when I started introducing our bedtime routine of baths, jammies, books, songs, bed (: night time has always been just me because my fiance works 3am-1pm driving trucks so he really can't help me or he's risking his life, it's so intimidating in the beginning but once you just do it and find your rhythm it'll be much easier on you 🫶🏻