It might be a texture thing. My daughter rarely finishes a meal and usually takes only a few bites of anything, except for the occasional yogurt, fish, bread, dried seaweed, and string cheese. She’s slowly improving, but what has helped me is consistently reintroducing foods and making her plate more visually appealing with a mix of colors and textures. I also switch up her eating environment, sometimes she eats in her high chair, other times at her playroom table. Serving small portions instead of large ones has also made a difference. At one point, I even mixed a little steamed spinach into her yogurt to sneak in some extra iron! Finding creative ways to incorporate nutrients has been key, like turning a smoothie into ice pops instead of serving plain berries.
My daughter loves whatever I am eating. All her meals, we eat together. If we are eating lasagna, so is she. We love family meal time, it is my favorite part of the day.
I just keep trying to reintroduce food that my daughter hasn't really tried yet. Some days, just about everything goes right to the floor. She could also live off my yogurt if I let her! Lol