my baby is also on the tall/skinny size as well. her weights always been around 10th to 15th percentile and the doctors never seem all that concerned. 34% doesn’t even seem very low. some babies are just built a certain way and same goes for adults so it’s likely fine as long as they’re gaining weight steadily
Like Anjie said, I would not worry! I’ve got a big baby but my pediatrician always says it’s just important that they are gaining, they just want to see them following a trend in the right direction! Not to worry Mama
As long as they are gaining. My boy is in the 7th percentile at 9lbs at 7 weeks. The ped also voiced no concern as he’s be steadily gaining weight
This has been my situation with my daughter. In the 34th and 36th percentile. Her pediatrician is having me nurse and then offer pumped milk after to try to get more milk in her and we have been going in every two weeks for weight checks as well. She's hitting all her milestone though and is a happy baby
I wouldn’t worry too much since he’s only 7 weeks. Especially because it seems like with him being in the 97th percentile with his height they’re “supposed” to weigh more to be along with their height. Seems like you have a pretty tall baby boy on your hands! Now if he’s 3 or 4 months and still in a low percentile I’d get a little more worried