How did your baby react to solids at first? How long did it take for them to enjoy food? Any tips to help with the transition?

We started solids 10 days ago, but my baby refuses everything—makes faces, turns her head away, and seems uninterested.
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She might just not be interested yet

My 10 month old just started enjoying some foods. She was never interested in her food or ours. Now she is curious in what we are eating. I find that it takes several tries for baby to like a food. Some days she loves banana and other days she will not want to do anything with it. Keep offering foods, make sure baby is not too hungry or too full when giving solids. I wait around 30-40 mins after BF for solids. We started with purees as I did not find her ready to start with finger foods. She did enjoy eating fruits from fruit feeders or rare occasions purees in self feeding spoons. Have atleast 1 meal with baby, offer foods in different form - puree, or bite size finger foods. Check solid start app on how to serve different food.

Are you feeding her or letting her self feed? Turning her head away suggests you’re spoon feeding. Has she shown any interest? It’s perfectly ok to wait and try again

Both my girls were a little weird about it my second hated everything she tried the first 2 weeks now she’s 9 months and eats anything we give her lol

@Deval I’ve been reading up on this and making sure my baby isn’t too hungry, full, or tired before trying, but she’s just not interested 🙈 Hearing that your baby started eating at 10 months gives me hope! I’ll keep trying and not stress too much🤞🏼 Thanks for sharing your experience and tips!

@Monét I’ve tried both spoon-feeding and letting her explore, but she’s not interested in either. She just doesn’t seem ready yet, which is okay! I’m taking it slow and wanted to hear from other moms’ experiences.

@Tessa That’s so great to hear! It must be such a relief that she went from hating everything to eating anything. Yay!!

@Alana Yes, I’ve been giving purées, but it seems like she hasn’t liked any of them so far. Maybe if I try cooking them in different ways, I might find something she enjoys. You’re right about the textures – I’ll definitely experiment with that. Thanks for the advice!

Keep offering! My girl took a few weeks to get interested. She eventually loved her purées and LOVED yogurt and cottage cheese. At first when she wasn't interested her pediatrician recommended BLW since some babies are picky about texture, but turns out she loved purées just wasn't ready at the time! Now we've worked our way up to blw at 8.5 months and she loves food :)

We started with stuff he can hold and chew on himself like cooked meat and veg (after he stole a piece of chicken from me 😂) - this is my second baby though so I'm a bit more chill about it, I know BLW van be scary stuff 😅 But that's how we knew he was interested and ready (this was a week before he turned 6 months)

mine started enjoying food when she was around 10months old. now she is almost one and except spicy, salty and sweet stuff she eats what we eat. she enjoys more when she eat the same food/meal with us :)

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