33 weeks +4 Growth scan and being told baby’s growth dropped from 96% to 75%

I have been fine up until now .. baby has been on larger side throughout pregnancy , yesterday had growth scan and his growth has dropped I asked if that’s a issue and what could happen and been booked for another scan in two weeks and if continues to drop I have to have him delivered… Been on steroids for 4 weeks now and still bleeding … so worried .. been suffering with really bad braxton hicks for past 3 weeks now also had ctg last Friday and 3 contractions in a hour but not in labour I’m so stressed and worried anyone else had similar outcomes
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Hi, not exactly the same but I have UC, I’m on infliximab and been in remission for 2.5 years until a couple of weeks ago when I flared up. Doctor gave me steroids but luckily my flare cleared up once my nasty chest infection cleared with antibiotics (likely and immune response flare up cause of the infection). Anyway I was having bad pains which I knew were colitis but went to get checked anyway and the CTG showed contractions. I had a swab for early labour which came back positive that I would go in to labour within next 7-14 days. That was a month ago and no labour. I think the inflammation can cause the machine to read contractions. I had my latest growth scan yesterday (nearly 31 weeks) and his growth had dropped but I have them every two weeks now as well. Yours is still measuring 75% so that’s good. Try not to worry, baby is still a good size and I’m sure I’ve read that they start a growth spurt around 33 weeks so they might increase again. Just try stay positive x

I had a course of steroids during my pregnancy with my son. I have UC. I was told consistently he was going to be small so had growth scans every two weeks from 31 weeks. He dropped from 20-12-9th and they kept pushing for an induction. I declined and went into labour naturally at 39+4. He was small (5.15lb) but try not to worry. 75th is a good size! X

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