suction plates, self feeding spoons, cover overalls, open/strawcup if your doing be fruit feeders aren’t blw standard
@Deval fruit feeders aren’t recommended for blw. You want them to have the natural texture of the food.
I’m going to be controversial and say- nothing. If you have a chair that’s pretty much all you technically need. It’s messy so I didn’t bother with bibs- just stripped my daughter down to a nappy. Maybe some feeding spoons? But you don’t need plates etc- they actually inhibit them for the first three or so months. Just put the food on the tray on the chair or hand it to them.
We steamed food into finger food that literally squished a bit through her fingers. We didn't use spoons at first, I put it on the tray, and she eventually copied us. I used an apron bib that covered her arms etc and a catcher bib as she could pick up dropped food out of her bib to eat. I put the food on the tray or offered her it to take from me. :) we didn't get a lot at first
@Taylor I’ve been using the feeders for teething. I put fruit in them stick them in the freezer for a little bit and it’s heel helping
@Vivian I mean feel free. I’m just Saying it doesn’t really have a place in blw
@Taylor oh yes I understand. Not blow but something that’s Okaay to have
Fruit feeders are great to start blw safely. Also Self feeding spoons.