There’s another post “teen sex” that has some helpful tactics
You cannot stop teenagers from having sex. I think everyone becomes an adult and promptly forgets what being a teenager is like. All you can do is make sure they are having consensual, informed & safe sex. Sex isn’t the end of the world 🤷🏻♀️
Also just to add you also cannot stop teenagers or children from masturbating! It’s normal, healthy exploration of their own body and making anyone feel like it’s dirty or wrong is not it 🙌
Advice depends on the age. But having a conversation making her explain exactly why she thinks she ready could give you more clarity
@Emilie agreed. But would it be strange to encourage it? Like teaching them how to enjoy and have good sex? Telling them to search online would lead to all sorts of crazy weird info.
Have the talk and provide condoms, i remember not being able to afford the condoms me and my bf needed and running through the 2 pack we could afford FAST. Go over all the reasons boys try to not use them. “It’s too small (ha)” “it doesn’t feel as good” (oh well) etc. Let her know that blue balls won’t kill them and it’s never a reason to have sex if she doesn’t want to. Ask if she is interested in birth control. Show her the girl with the list on tik tok 😂
I think it would be a bit odd to encourage sex at a young age but being there to educate and answer their questions or starting conversations about it isn’t? Having good sex/enjoying sex definitely isn’t a parents job to educate that’s down to exploration & finding out what you personally like. I also think it comes with age and experience too!
This insta account is great for advice!
Birth control and condoms and talk with her about consent, stds, stis, pregnancy ect. They’re going to do it anyway
as someone who started too young. you can’t stop it no matter how strict you try to be. i’d try to be open and develop a respectful yet open relationship. talk about condoms, STD’s, birth control, and see their doctor so she knows you are supporting her in which ever way she tries to go. super strict parents raise sneaky kids.
100000% explain safe sex and all the risks associated with not using protection. Buy her condoms. Explain the lingering effects of STDs (infertility, cancer, etc). I’m not saying try to scare her out of it but I definitely didn’t know the true risks as a teen. Explain a female’s cycle to her. I didn’t understand ovulation and the full monthly cycle until I was TTC. No one ever told me certain hormones rise and fall at different times and how ovulation works and signs of ovulation (egg white mucus, increased libido, etc).
Honestly just teach them to be safe that all you can do. My son is 16 now and I’ve stressed the importance of safe sex (even tho he hasn’t yet) he knows I got pregnant with him at 18
Personally, if my daughter did this, I would educate her on protection, consent, pregnancy, and offer her some protection myself. They’re going to have sex regardless of what you have to say about it. Teenagers are sneaky when they want to be unfortunately lol so the only thing you can do is make sure she’s being safe and she’s fully informed.
what age is “young”? <12ish i would say that’s only for grown ups but touching yourself in the privacy of your own bedroom is nothing to be ashamed of 12-15 since the actual want for sex may be higher i might offer to buy a toy but emphasize that sex is for grown ups and is unsafe for young bodies 16+ i would have a very in depth sex talk about enthusiastic consent, sti/std/pregnancy prevention, birth control methods, and of course answer any questions. op, you mentioned it would be strange to teach them how to enjoy and have good sex and yeah i feel like giving specific tips of like positions and stuff would be weird but i think a general “exploring what feels good” kind of response wouldn’t be weird
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Firstly, you need to acknowledge and let her know how much you appreciate her CHOOSING and trusting to even tell you. Most don’t—I know i didn’t with my parents. Then instead of trying to sway her, educate her on real life consequences she will have to face if she does have sex. Because it happens. And if you don’t allow sex under your roof, make that clear and what consequences will follow if she makes this choice and you find out. Are you a parent that will give her access to condoms? If so, let her know. Or will she and her partner have to figure out how to buy them with their own money. How about plan B or even the discussion of her HAVING the choice of being on birth control for her safety? I would personally bring this up. If this was my daughter (I don’t even have daughters) I would make the conversation factual and less based on my opinion and emotions. But I would emphasize all and any consequences that many men and women face when choosing to have sex.
I became sexually active by choice at 12 so I definitely think that I have the advantage of using it as a teachable moment with my children by letting them know the pros / cons regarding the matter. I’m always going to want my children to be well informed in all areas surrounding a topic even if I don’t agree with with- we will still explore it in depth as I would want to make sure That they feel as though they’re prepared to make the best decision for their life moving forward at that particular time. I also want to be the kind of parent that my children feel safe enough to come to on matters like this. I think that it’s important to provide children with guidance particularly in this area -but I won’t be encouraging the behavior by purchasing toys on their behalf or suggesting that they have sex in our home - certainly not . However if they feel that they’re in need of contraception , condoms
Information regarding certain vaccines etc we can discuss that in depth and we can also discuss the pros / cons associated with birth control and any other area that they’d like to have covered… I also would just say that I think that it’s important to touch on the mental and emotional coupled with the physical aspect of this & since we are religious in our home we will also touch on the spiritual component
Brochures for the nunnery 😂 I’m kidding but I am already dreading that conversation with my girl in 14 or so years
Make her watch birthing videos