This is completely normal! The baby is so small at this age that they could have simply changed positions and laying in a way you can’t feel the movements, everywhere I’ve looked has said around 28 weeks is when you should start feeling a pattern and start counting the kicks. I’m 23 +5 and still have days where the baby doesn’t seem to move as much but have been told many times this is completely normal and every check up I’ve had has confirmed everything is perfectly fine. If anything does feel really wrong or you’re really anxious about it then there’s no harm getting it checked out, even if it’s just for a piece of mind!
Agree with what others have said. I'm 21 weeks with my second and definitely feeling more than last pregnancy. Both with an anterior placenta although this one is up high. There's definitely no harm in phoning and asking for advice but at this stage the baby is still tiny and there won't be a consistent pattern.
With my first it took forever before I felt like I regularly felt movement. You notice it more the more babies you have
If you’re worried is always get checked out, but I’ve only just started feeling swirls daily & I’m 23 weeks. Until now it wasn’t consistent so this sounds normal to me x