Thank you so much for your reply, it gave me a bit of confidence to put up a bit more of a fight! I ended up getting an appointment with my GP this afternoon and they shared feelings of frustration that I haven’t been offered a GD test, especially on the basis that I’m a healthy weight. She couldn’t offer me the same kind of test they can but has booked me in for a fasting blood test to see if that shows anything. It could be absolutely nothing but I’m glad I’ve got somewhere at least. Thanks again!
So glad you got an appointment and that your GP was more supportive and understanding of your concerns. Thank goodness you're getting somewhere with it. Hopefully all is okay! At least you can find out either way what's going on with the symptoms. Hope it provides some reassurance xx
Sorry but this is utterly ridiculous that they just dismissed you like that with all those symptoms (even if its not actually GD). If your BMI is considered "normal" it doesn't mean you can't have GD. GD is nothing to do with BMI, it doesn't discriminate, it's all down to the placenta in how it's functioning and hormones. Yes you are more at risk of having GD if you have a higher BMI but doesn't mean you need high BMI to have GD. Plenty of people with low BMI have GD. I would discuss your symptoms with your midwife, your GP won't/cant really do a lot I wouldn't think. Your midwife could give you a test for GD if you explain your symptoms or maybe give you a blood testing kit to test your glucose levels for a week. If it's getting worse definitely important to push to get yourself heard. If your midwife doesn't listen then ask to speak to another one or last resort go to your GP and explain they're not listening to your concerns.