My girl is 12 weeks and is on 7oz every 3-4 hours
Ive Just ordered some bigger bottles 😊! Thanks x
We give 5oz 6 times a day for our 12 week girl, she feeds different times but always has 30 across 24 hours
My boy is 13 weeks on 6ozs every 4/5 hours and sleeps 8/9 hours
My boy is 10 weeks but he’s a big boy (born 9lb 2oz) he is breast fed but has formula at night so I can pump and create a stash, he has recently gone up to 7oz in his formula bottle
My 9 week old came 2.5 weeks late and she's a big girl 😅 hungry all the time in he day! X
@Olivia my girls 9 weeks and she's nearing 12ib 😅 she's going to be tall I think! Haha
Wow! My little guy is 11 weeks old and drinks 4/5oz per feed every 3/4 hours. He still doesn’t do naps longer than 4 hours.
If she wants more after you’ve fed her the up it then she will last longer till next feed