Does he move around a different way? I was a bum shuffler and I didn't crawl until after I learnt to walk at 16 months. And my partner was apparently the same x
There was a baby at children’s centre both her and her older sister never crawled, started bum shuffling around 14/15 months and started walking closer to 2. There was nothing wrong with them, they just didn’t want to walk 😂
My LO has only just started moving around - bum shuffling and pulling to stand. She isn't interested in crawling so we're not focusing on that but more on her learning to walk
Me and my partner were the same as Megan, never crawled only bum shuffled and just got up one day and walked at 18 mo. Hopefully will be same for yours. We are both active and sporty now haha
@Alex I'd love to also say I'm active and sporty now but I'm as lazy as I was at 16 months 😂😂
Hi lovely! This happened with my daughter she wasn’t able to weight bare. Is he moving around by rolling over? It turned out my daughter had a muscle myopathy which was detected by genetic testing. She is now under physio and is almost 3 she’s beautiful and happy and loved 🥰 xxx
@Kitty how do you know I don’t have a professional opinion? I clearly have professional involved consultants and physio because they are doing tests as stated above muscle enzyme test I wouldn’t be able to do that by my self?
@Jabeen the consultant classes bum shuffling as crawling he doesn’t do this either
@Megan he doesn’t bum shuffle which his consultant classes as crawling he only rolls x
@Jemma thank you x
@Natasha yes! He rolls everywhere he just won’t weight bare he is also deaf in one ear he has had genetic testing for hearing but not other genetic testing which we are going to have soon we are waiting for physio x
@Kitty I think this lovely Mam is just upset and stressed, your response stating that he should be crawling by now might have upset her a tad as I believe she already knows that, I use to feel the same when people told me the same about my little girl and it turned out she has a disability and my world fell apart. Knowing your child should be reaching certain milestones and they aren’t can be very upsetting and worrying bless her. Even when it can be completely normal ❤️ xx
@Kitty I understand that 🥰 I think the way it might of come across unintentionally is that its stating what she already knows is what I’m trying to say that’s all. When someone tells you that their child should “at least” be crawling by now when they aren’t can be very upsetting, I know it was to me when I had people who didn’t know me say “well she’s 2 she should be walking by now” sometimes it’s just hard to hear I suppose. But I get what your saying too 🥰 being a mum is hard work it’s tiring and stressful but when your a mum to a child when worrying everything isn’t how it should be is extremely hard ❤️
@Kitty I think it's because you suggested getting a professional opinion when it says in OPs post he's being tested already. That's my guess anyway
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@Kitty I’ve not stated that it means her child has any special needs AT ALL all I said was in my case when I noticed this with my daughter I was so upset and frustrated when people said she should be walking by now at the age of 2 when they didn’t know her. The fact that my daughter DOES have special needs doesn’t mean I have said that her child might just because they are going through something similar with the same kind of testing. Yes I agree it could be a minor delay I’m sure she will get the help her little one requires after more tests 🙂
If it gives you any comfort my nephew didn’t crawl until he was 18 months and didn’t walk until he was 2 and you wouldn’t even know it now! He had the tests at the time and everything was fine, they just said he was lazy/stubborn!