bless u im only 33 and with my youngest i struggled with lack of sleep no village either is there any toddler bby classes where u can let toddler run around may help when she bk hme so lil one has a nap n if u can get bby to then maybe relax a tad i found strict routine once bby bit older helps u have some me time sorry i cnt be more of help x
Like a cleaner
Yeah, there really is no advice for dealing with this. You just have to take it one day at a time. Please remember that you can talk to your doctor and the pediatrician about anything you're feeling! If you have a safe place to let baby nap while toddler plays outside, it will be good for everyone. And talk to your partner about this, please! They can't help you the way you need if they don't know!
If your toddler will be okay. Use a play pen to corral them into a space when you need to put the baby down. If not you can use a high chair and some of the gerber snacks meant for babies just starting. The start to melt as soon as water or salvia hits so lets chance for choking but you can put them in the high chair for the time it takes for you too put them down for a nap. I struggled a little with pain trying to pick him straight up from the floor so I often sat down and let him climb up and then I could get up using the table or chair for leverage. Keep an organizer of diapers for the toddler close by. If it’s painful to lift them it will be painful to try to lift to change them so use the floor if you need too. Car rides saved us in the beginning. My toddler is normally pretty quiet in the car so it allowed for me to get out to get myself a sweet treat on hard days but baby could nap and my toddler like watching the cars and stuff.
Stay strong mama. Know that we are here for you to vent. You can do this because us women, mothers in particular, are stronger than we think and give ourselves credit for. We carried children in us! You did the thing! Partners, men or those who not carry will never understand what our bodies go through, especially as we continue to age. I’m 34 in July, but my body hurts all the time. I’m a mom of 3 kiddos (4, 2 and 1). The best advice I’ve heard is ask for help, communicate with your partner, listen to your body, don’t overdo it. I used to think “I got this, I’m good”. Truth is, I wasn’t good. I was very prayerful first, then it was Jesus and wine. Then it was forest wine, then Jesus. Then it just became wine. It was becoming my water. I stopped cold turkey and it wasn’t an alcoholic thing, but easily could’ve become one. -Things I took from that was it’s ok to not be ok. -Ask for help, you aren’t a failure -Listen to your body, rest when you feel it
Idk depends on your toddler…but with toddlers you have to keep them busy, distracted…also consider daycare, maybe get financial assistance if your state offers but finding a good daycare will allow you to sleep when your newborn sleeps…otherwise toddlers are mostly fine if they are preoccupied, anything or toys or tv cartoon, music your toddler is obsessed with keep them busy with that and have schedule meal and nap times like they would at daycare
My advise for what it’s worth , just meet your children’s needs and f the rest . Don’t worry about “ perfect” parenting . Use screen time if you need to , you have no village and no break so use what you do have when needed and don’t feel guilty x
Don’t judge yourself or beat yourself up for needing a slow day or screen time or whatever. It can be harder in the beginnng to get back to a routine now with two kids all while trying to heal. We had days in the beginning the three us were in our room in the bed a good portion of the day.
-Don’t turn to substance because it’s just a band aid—even energy drinks -your littles need your best you -let your tears fall -BREATHE -Take some time for yourself, even if it’s just 30 mins-1hr -you can only put out what’s inside, so be sure you’re pouring in and allowing the right things/people to pour into you But please don’t feel like you’re not doing enough. You’re doing what You can. I hope this helps a bit On a lighter note, to your original question—how to survive newborn phase with an active toddler— Well I’ve learned we just have to go pure survival mode—I’ve finally accepted defeat! lol but really mama, be sure to prioritize yourself too. You can’t take care of them well if you yourself are not well. Message me anytime! If you’d rather text, I’ll send the number in the chat. Godspeed friend!
I did just this. Csection for #2 at 38. My older son was 20 months and literally climbing the walls. I childproofed the house as well as I could before my husband went back to work and then just did my best. I managed my pain with tylenol and a tens unit and lowered my standards on myself for a successful day.
Honestly no advice especially if you don’t have a village. The first 6-12 months will be hard, but I promise it will get better. It will go fast too. Especially once they’re able to play together. My kids are two yrs apart and they keep each other busy now. Maybe put the toddler down earlier if you’re not already around like 7:30-8pm. That way you can focus on baby and one less kid to worry about. Once baby starts taking less and longer naps you’ll be able to have little breaks.
Thank you to all mamas who commented , is so hard to find a time to answer here...I am so so exhausted mentaly, and physically in a lot of pain, yesterday I was in the hospital with a very high blood pressure, they kept me till 1am...I realised I have to fix myself first to look after a big challenge but I hope God will help all of us xx
Are you able to get some paid help?