The only thing I find helps make my little ones naps longer is him napping anywhere he shouldn’t be😂 I put him on the floor on cushions (used to be on the sofa but he’s moving too much) and we put him up on a elephant teddy on his side covered in a full size blanket, I think it’s kind of a warmth and comfort thing, he sleeps better when he’s warmer. I always make sure to supervise him like that though or leave a baby monitor facing him just incase he starts turning but try putting him in a really soft and warm place might help? Preferably watching him or baby monitor, or in the room your doing stuff in
@Oliwia he naps if we go for a walk or in the car for the whole time we are out but if we are home he barely naps at all 😂 thanks for your suggestion I'll give that a go and see if it works!
@Carly yeah so does my boy he’ll sleep the whole time we’re out and then when we get home he’ll wake up as soon as we take him out the car or reach the door 😂 but that’s the only 2 things I find make him nap longer warmth and movement 😖
@Oliwia 😂 my boy napped for 2 hours in his pram when we went out last week, I don't think he even realised we left the house!
Mine was doing 30 minutes. She needs her dummy to fall asleep and then once asleep spits it out. I have started going in after 20 minutes. The moment she starts stirring I put the dummy back and she falls asleep again. I'm hoping that after a few days she will just keep on sleeping