This really doesn't mean anything. I also had a scan this morning and I am 36+1. Baby is measuring 7lbs 1oz and has a big belly. If you're having regular growth scans you'd be back in 2-3 weeks anyway so I would not pay too much attention to it and try not to worry x
It can be a sign of GD, which can develop later on in pregnancy, so they’ll just want to double check in a couple of weeks that it isn’t growing too much. Either way it isn’t anything to actively worry about, scans can be wrong so you may go back and it’s evened out, and if it hasn’t they’ll likely test you for GD again even if you have been already. But definitely not something that you should sit worrying yourself about, just wait for the next scan and go from there with that info too ❤️
I’m almost 34 and had a scan at 33 and was told the same thing. Baby is measuring 5 pounds and has a bigger tummy and over the last week I’ve been told I have gestational diabetes. It doesn’t usually cause any issues just means you need to be careful of how much sugar your eating and may need to have baby a couple of weeks earlier ! Xx
Thankyou eveyone ! I just though the worst thing to do would be google it and be told something horrific and I’d be panicking !❤️
I have the same situation, stomach is too big, it can be a sign of gestational diabetes. That’s what it’s meant for me and the possibility of a big baby so needs extra scans for monitoring. My boy was apparently measuring 6lb 11oz at 34 weeks but they can be out by 20%. Currently 35 weeks and having fortnightly scans. Taking metformin but I think they’re putting my on insulin soon. Just wanted to give you a little information as I wasn’t informed and then got bombarded with info that scared me a little. I’m sure absolutely everything is fine though. X