Yes! Today is exactly that day for me, LO will be 10 weeks tomorrow. Maybe a growth spurt / leap in skills?
My little one did the same around then had a couple of really sleepy days and now only has a 20-30 minute nap in the morning rather than the 2hrs she was having
Mine has been sleepy today too! Was starting to worry 😅
Mine is also 10 weeks and been extra sleepy today too!🤣 He had a 3 hour nap then woke for a nappy change but wanted to go back to sleep and slept another 2 hours so 5 hours in total🙈 thinking growth spurt? X
Hi! Yes my baby is 10 weeks and recently had a day where she slept most of the day and still slept normally that night! No idea how their sleep patterns work as my little girl seems to have no set routine 😅