Nursery 15 hours questions

My girl is currently in nursery and I work part time. I’m thinking to drop my part time job and become a SAHM, but when is she eligible for nursery without it being dependent on me working. She turns 2 on Feb 21st
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When they turn 3 you’ll be entitled to 15hrs free without the need to be working. It would kick in the term after she turned 3 so in your case April

You will get 15 hours free for non working parents, through your local council. Not the government x

@Francesca oh thought it was from age 2

If you’re not working you’ll only get the hours when she turns 2 if you’re on benefits. If not you have to wait until she’s 3. Even then the hours only come in the term after she turns these ages, so you won’t get them until the April in either situation.

Do you claim and benefits? If not it’s from 3. I’m a SAHM myself

Ah I see, thank you ladies.

See my comment incog, once the child is 2 x

If one parent doesn’t work, you’ll get 15 funded hours starting from the term after they turn 3.

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