Is baby bottle fed or BF? Try burping and trying again. If bottle fed, maybe it’s time to change the nipple size to fast flow or sometimes they may prefer a slow flow too. If breastfed, try hand express for a minute and latch again. If there is a heavy letdown, baby may get upset. Try a different position while feeding and see if baby gets comfortable. Hope this helps!
Mine (exact same age) has also started doing this. I'm baiscally feeding her every half hour when she's awake to make sure she has enough in a day and sleep at night 😅 i am assuming it's a phase and part of this development lead they are currently in.
Tongue tie?
I’d definitely get baby checked for a tongue tie by an ENT
@deval both, been trying different positions but not much changes although yesterday he woke from a short nap and consumed 5.5 in one sitting and then later in the day went back to 1 and then 2. Very confusing. Hoping it’s just a phase if not will take him to his pediatrician for a check up
@Irene had him checked when he was born and I was told this wasn’t a problem will get another opinion if this doesn’t change
When mine does that, it is because of gases. Afte burping her, she latches again bu she needs to burp or she will not feed. If it is hard for her to release gases, I give her tummy time and just be on her belly, and the movement makes her release everything. Sometimes, it is a bit of indigestion of which she will spit up, but afterward, she is ready to eat again. You can see the release on her face.