Call triage or maternity unit straight away. I had this a few days ago after I drank sparkling water and at first I didn’t realise what was causing it but then I had it another day and same thing happened somehow it caused the baby to go low and baby was moving but I couldn’t feel the movement as the position of the baby had changed. I went it to get it check and they checked baby’s heartbeat. Please don’t leave it and go get it checked It’s better to be safe.
Eat something sweet first and see, or put a bit of cold in your belly. The sugar and the temperature changes normally make them move.
Thanks ladies, I went and got checked, baby is fine, strong heart beat and movements on scan. Just waiting to see if they want to move my growth scan forward and I’m still not feeling movements. Have tried sweet drinks, cold on belly. She’s just being stubborn I guess. X
If you’re concerned never feel like you’re wasting time calling triage, they’d rather you come in and find out everything is totally fine than wait around. I had exactly the same concern at around 24 weeks and they were so understanding and kind, if for nothing else than your peace of mind it is worth just popping in x