When does it get ‘easier’?

Incognito as feels embarrassing asking. When did people find it go easier? LO is 5/6months and some days I’m more tired than newborn trench days. Anyone else? And when did people found they turned a corner as such?
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Every baby is different. For us it was about 9-10 months

To me it was when my little girl turned 7-8 months and she could sit down on her own I didn’t have to carry her or hold her all the time. She started interacting more and it got more interesting.

When they move out

I'm thinking this as well, it's so draining, they can't do anything so want you all the time, their wake windows are longer and they're never happy 🥲 I'm not enjoying it

@Ellie HAHAHA best answer ever!

My LO is just over 8 months old and I still feel the struggle sometimes. Some days are better than others but I have found that since she's become more mobile and doesn't need me every second and has started doing more independent play time, I have been significantly less tired. I never realized how exhausting having to hold her/carry her constantly was until she started being alright with me setting her down to play by herself. I don't think it's an embarrassing question to ask and I think your feelings are completely valid. Being a mom is so hard and there's no shame in feeling like it's overwhelming sometimes. You're doing great! 🫶🏻

For us it was around 9-10 months S well

@Denise every age we've hit so far comes with it's own exhausting traits. Even with my cousin's kids (teenagers and preteen twins) lots of different difficulties.

@Ellie I Bet! I have a 15 month old that is driving me mad for throwing food on the floor and I am 32 weeks pregnant how in the world I’m going to survive another baby!

@Denise being pregnant and having a toddler was one of the hardest things I’ve ever experienced, 2 children is hard but heavily pregnant and a toddler I feel is one of the hardest bits, physically and mentally. Obviously a toddler and a newborn comes with challenges too 🫣😅but I feel I can handle more now I’m physically capable again!

@Denise same. I have a 2 almost 2.5 year old and I'm pregnant. I'm only 20 weeks, but my son keeps bringing home illnesses from daycare plus my own pregnancy complications.

@Philippa do you think it was harder to go from 0-1 or 1-2 kids? I’m really scared of what waits for me!

When I went back to work and had my own time back (working is now considered my own time 😅) That was at around 11 months. I found toddler stage alot easier, I didn’t enjoy newborn/infant at all really.

100% 0-1 was harder, it’s such a lifestyle shock 0-1. 1-2 you’re already doing all the stuff, you’ve made all the sacrifices, personally/socially etc, 1-2 you just have to do more of the same shit you were already doing😂 , its intensely stressful when they’re both demanding your attention, I won’t lie😅 but I definitely found 0-1 much more of a shock to the system. You look back and think, what was so difficult when I only had 1 to deal with 😅🤣 it’s a lot but as before you eventually find some sort of a rhythm to it all. And I wouldn’t change it 🥰

I don't think it does, it just changes difficulty like a computer game 😂 my LO has just turned 7 months. Some days he is an absolute dream, the next he is a little grumps. I don't think it helps I'm on my 3rd cold of the year and LO gets it straight after me so it's been a hard month. Plus around 5 months they start doing loads so i guess we have to cut them so slack. Exhausting as it is we are all doing well xx

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I'd say around 2 years. Yes, we've gone through the terrible 2s, but cuz it's not all the time, it's easier and now (that she just turned 3), starting to fade out, it's easier. She was a great new born and baby, but she had a lot of trouble sleeping. Now that that's been resolved and she can (but not always) be reasoned with, it's, overall easier

I swear nobody tells you about the absolute trench of 6 months. We are in the midst of sleep regression, teething, appetite changes and growth spurts. Message me if you find it too much we can struggle at 2am together 😂🩷

Best advice I was given when I asked this exact question! It doesn’t get easier, it just gets a lot more fun! Babies all grow at different paces and have so many different experiences at every stage. Enjoy it all, even in the bad, good, and ugly. One day they are a little potato you wanna snuggle all day long, the next you are running after your toddler/kid running around the house naked while you both laugh, and soon you got a teen who is practically a mini you/ or ur spouse and you feel proud of the person they are becoming. ❤️

I still remember the day that I said to my husband that it feels like we have a life again! For us it was right after she turned 1, when I started having some time for myself after she fell asleep!

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